Most drugs are prescribed to treat symptoms of an ailment, not the actual ailment itself. Vetisse is a natural line of herbal remedies that was created to stimulate healing and recovery in your pet, getting to the root of a health problem.
For this reason, Vetisse includes natural remedies that you can apply to your pet externally, and ones that pets can ingest internally. External products, like our ointments and creams, deliver healing stimulants and immune system boosters on the spot of injury, while killing pathogens in the wound to prevent future infection. The Vetisse liquid herbal blends stimulate recovery by working internally in pets, relieving the root problem of health issues.
Vetisse products were developed for the most common pet ailments. This includes health issues ranging from digestion, skin conditions, infections, and allergies, to even more serious common conditions, like heart and kidney disease.
Many of the Vetisse products can also be used together, in order to improve the overall function of your pet’s organs and immune system.